Turning Engagement & Wellbeing into Productivity & Growth
We help clients boost engagement and wellbeing, creating a great place to work where people are more productive, stay longer and contribute to growth and profitability.
By sharing knowledge about engagement and wellbeing, enabling team members to be heard in our customised Engagement Surveys and Wellbeing Programmes and acting on insights gained.
We believe that employees and organisations have a responsibility for each other. When employees thrive in a supportive culture, organisations benefit from enhanced productivity, loyalty and growth. It's a genuine win-win.
In these turbulent times, great leaders are required more than ever. They may just need more support than ever too.
Our Wellbeing & Productivity Programme assists leaders and team members to maximise their personal wellbeing, productivity and growth, ultimately to make them feel good and support improved business performance.
As retaining and attracting great staff becomes increasingly difficult, it's important to invest in leaders, to show they are cared for and supported as individuals.

We help leaders address the balance between their work and personal commitments, get very clear on their goals and help them build a fence at the top of their own health cliff.

A detailed personal survey begins the process, including questions about goals, balance, current work environment, energy, productivity, mindset, mental and physical health, stress, nutrition, sleep and exercise.
Then we provide Wellbeing & Productivity reports that allow individuals to enjoy a holistic wellbeing check, with personalised recommendations and actionable insights. Participants are given what they need to reflect on those areas requiring attention and plan action accordingly.
A number of programme options are available to suit client needs.
For more information, email claire@culturewise.co.nz or go to Contact Us
CultureWise supports clients to build highly engaged teams and great cultures.
We enable your people to be heard via our suite of engagement surveys, support you to understand the drivers of engagement and take prompt action on what you learn. This builds emotional connection and commitment (engagement) among your team, which drives profitable growth.
Engagement is not rocket science. It's about doing a number of things well and consistently over time. We help you as a leader understand all of the drivers of engagement.
Our average survey response rate is 92%, so clients can be sure their survey results reflect reality on the ground. Our engagement services include:
Covers core engagement / wellbeing questions, plus all drivers of engagement
Takes 15 minutes to complete
Standard questions enable benchmarking
Can also be customised as required
Key Driver Recognition, extensive analysis of responses and support to facilitate action planning available
Covers core engagement / wellbeing questions and is tailored to include the most relevant engagement drivers for you
Takes 5-10 minutes to complete
Designed to enable regular check-ins with your team
Option to analyse responses available
Enables feedback on the wellbeing of your team and gathers constructive feedback on your current activities
The last few years have been a rollercoaster ride for many – this survey has been invaluable for many clients and continues to enable them to check in regularly with staff
Takes only 10 minutes
We provide coaching and thinking preferences profiling for individuals and teams
We can facilitate sessions to support clients, in areas such as vision & values development or team building
We provide customised surveys on demand, relevant to our clients’ needs in the staff engagement space
All of our surveys are independent and you and your team can rest assured their feedback will be completely anonymous. This ensures that we hear it like it really is, which is exactly what is needed to understand what action is appropriate.

Companies with highly engaged staff have over twice the revenue of those with low engagement.
Engaged staff genuinely care more. They stay longer, are more productive, and provide incredible customer service.
All of these tangibly increase revenue and customer loyalty to your brand.

The best growth strategy in the world is useless unless your people buy in.
It's widely recognised that a highly engaged and performing workforce is essential for growth and survival.
It also increases innovation and productivity, both essential for ongoing business success.

​It’s hard for competitors to copy engagement.
Companies can’t buy engaged staff - you earn their engagement by investing in them over time.
There's a huge opportunity to stand out from your competitors with staff who are motivated, emotionally connected and committed to your company and proud advocates of your brand.

Business leaders directly impact the wellbeing of not only staff but their partners and children too.
Most staff spend one third of their entire working lives at work.
You have a responsibility as a leader to focus on engagement.
Society as a whole benefits when more people are engaged at work.
Great schools value effective partnerships with parents / caregivers. A high level of community support positively impacts student attendance, attitude, behaviour, wellbeing, motivation to learn, academic results and social achievements.
We enable your community to be heard via our School Community Survey, produce a Community Survey Report for you and support you to act wisely on what you learn.
When schools, families and communities join forces to support and encourage learning and growth, our tamariki undoubtedly benefit.

Community Engagement is one of the key principles in the NZ Curriculum.
It calls for schools and teachers to reflect the values and aspirations of parents and caregivers, provide meaningful, relevant connection to students' lives outside of school, and drive strong partnerships with families and communities to contribute to learning goals.

The basis of any solid partnership is good communication.
Surveying parents and caregivers, enabling them to communicate with you and be heard is core to engaging your school community.
It is a starting point for conversations about what is important to your community and how you can work together to build a strong learning partnership.

We provide a comprehensive, tried and tested online survey enabling your community to be heard in a constructive, anonymous and non-confrontational way.
Taking an average of only 10 minutes to complete, our survey is carefully designed to maximise participation and feedback quality.
Core survey reports are delivered within 5 working days of your survey closing.
Our experienced survey consultant will support you through the findings and help with communications back to your community.

Your community can have their say about important aspects of their and their child’s/children’s experiences and perceptions of your school.
As well as an in-depth review of learning, communication and facilities & resources, the survey gathers feedback on a wide range of general topics: advocacy, child happiness, leadership, administration, staff, teaching standards, responsiveness, safety and security, diversity, cultural needs and behaviour management.
CultureWise clients all have a genuine desire to grow and improve, whether personally or as an organisation. To do so they know that engaging their teams and communities has to be an integral part of their strategy.
We have many years of experience and great references from previous clients.

We’re constantly working hard to deliver a great service to our customers. But enough from us.
Here’s what some of our clients think about CultureWise...

Head of People & Culture, The Skin Institute
"We really enjoyed partnering with CultureWise for our last team engagement survey and look forward to doing so again.
Claire is great to work with and genuinely cares about our business. She is incredibly knowledgeable and really helped us to design a personalised survey to suit our needs.
Presentation of results back to our Exec team is always professional, well put together and clear.
The follow-up work interpreting data and the tools provided are very helpful and easy to use."

CEO - NZbrokers
"My team and I participated in the Wellbeing & Productivity Programme recently. It is good to get in a room, stop, and take stock of how you are progressing in your lifestyle habits and whether you are being your best self, or looking after yourself the best way you can.
From a professional perspective, it is important to me to have a team who are as productive as they can be. This is achieved through happy, healthy and engaged people enjoying what they do and feeling rewarded.
From a personal view, there isn't anything wrong with a few home truths delivered in a sensitive and confidential manner to make one sit up and re-evaluate! I know the team got as much out of it as I did, and I would recommend the investment in your teams. It pays for itself. Thanks Claire!"

Director – GBS
"The (survey) analysis provided by Claire was excellent and gave us some positive insight as to how to further develop our vision.
As a result of the survey and Claire’s interpretation and analysis, GBS has embarked on a process … with staff to ensure they are, and want to be on board with our vision.
This will help our bottom line be affected in a positive manner, our staff are happier and more productive and we can attract the best staff … and keep our staff turnover as low as possible."

Founder | Chief [Re]Generator
The Kerry Topp Collective
"As a sole business owner trying to be the best father and husband I can be and grow my business, it is a constant balancing act of being there for my family and customers whilst still looking after myself.
I engaged Claire because I was in danger of losing sight of what was important. I wanted to take stock, get clear on what I want and examine what I was doing that wasn't supporting me and what was.
I found the CultureWise Productivity & Wellbeing Survey and Claire's approach were awesome to help me get clarity on what I could do to ensure that I am not just productive, but that I am also well.
I thoroughly recommend Claire and her Productivity & Wellbeing Survey as a stocktake, a recalibration, a reset and the basis of a new way of living for any senior business leader seeking to be the best they can be.

Managing Director – JUMP
"Culture is a big part of what we do and how we deliver the JUMP experience. We noticed as the business started to grow more and more we felt that the connection with our team became increasingly difficult. This year it was at the top of our priority list to implement effective strategies to be able to reconnect with our now large team to help drive our business forward.
This is how I came across Claire at CultureWise.​
Claire is amazing, she has taken the effort to understand our company’s needs and has helped us to get back on track through using the staff engagement survey as a key tool. Claire is passionate about the key questions that help us to retrieve the relevant information required to pinpoint where our focus is needed to get the best possible result."

Board of Trustees member - St. Clair Primary School
"Our BOT decided to go with Claire at CultureWise for our school survey after a recommendation from another group I have used before in an alliance contract setting.
Claire's expert advice helped us to get the most out of our survey and her insight into human behaviour with surveys really helped us to streamline what key questions we were trying to get answered by our community.
Her communication, professionalism and timeliness with the delivery of the report made it a pleasure to work with her.
Highly recommend CultureWise for any other schools who are wanting quality data from their survey."
The CultureWise team all share a great can-do attitude and desire to provide amazing service to our clients.
We all go the extra mile to ensure fast, efficient and high-quality insights are delivered. Every person and every organisation is unique and we focus on building strong relationships and becoming a trusted partner.

Claire Day - Founder and Director
Everything we do, we do because we believe that if people are heard and understood then action can be taken to drive positive change, whether that be at a personal, team, company or community level. That is why the work we do always begins with surveys – with asking the right questions, supporting clients to learn from the insights and take appropriate action as a result.
My passion is to inspire people to be the best they can be. That may be …
on a personal level, with our Productivity & Wellbeing Survey, supporting clients to drive towards their personal /work goals and enhancing the chances of success by simultaneously focusing on the pillars of wellbeing (sleep, nutrition, exercise and mindset)
on a company level with our suite of Engagement Surveys, driving the biggest win-win in business: engagement drives business / bottom line growth and has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of your people
at the community level with our Community Survey for schools, helping to build strong community partnerships between caregivers and educators, ultimately to enhance learning outcomes for our tamariki
With years of experience supporting a range of clients, I’ve learned that by asking the right questions, really listening to people and using insights to guide prompt action, people’s emotional connection and commitment to their company, school or even their own personal goals can skyrocket. I love what I do and am lucky to have such an amazing team who are all equally passionate about great client service.
Janine Irvin - Operations Manager
Janine is our Operations Manager here at CultureWise. Janine holds many years of experience in operations management, data analytics and remuneration consulting both in New Zealand and the UK.
Janine's focus is on ensuring a smooth and efficient process that meets the needs of the organisations we work alongside. Her eye for detail, positive attitude, willingness to look for new ways to help clients and ability challenge the status quo is invaluable.
She has a particular expertise in using data to tell meaningful stories for our clients, to support their journeys and help them achieve their goals.

Michelle Andrews - Client Relationship Manager
Michelle loves researching, planning and implementing new market initiatives. Her expertise comes from consulting to a number of organisations - for the past 9 years within the education sector, combined with Business Management experience within the private sector.
Michelle is a skilled problem solver and communicator with a passion for understanding customer needs and exceeding expectations.
Michelle values honesty, integrity and respect and when not at work likes to spend her time travelling around our beautiful country in her classic caravan through summer and skiing in winter.
Dave Irvin - Reporting Analyst
Having worked in a number of different industries that are very customer focused, Dave goes above and beyond and is also always striving to achieve a high level of detail with his work at CultureWise.
He appreciates that the story being told by the data is invaluable, and that the need for that data to be correct is essential to telling the story, so you the client and/or community can benefit as a result.

Pretzel Day - Chief Wellbeing Officer
Meet our Chief Wellbeing Officer, Pretzel. With three years of experience bringing joy and making people smile wherever he goes, he is an integral part of our team. ​This beautiful retriever takes his job very seriously... well, not too seriously. With an innate ability to sense when anyone needs a little extra support, he’s all about being in the moment, having fun, and ensuring no one forgets to enjoy life. Whether it's a wag of the tail, a nudge to rest when you've been at the desk too long or a well-timed cuddle, he’s got your back.
When he's off-duty, you'll find him indulging in his favourite activities: eating, chasing after balls and sticks, swimming, spinning in circles for treats, and exploring the bush on long walks.
Call Claire on +64 211 043113 or email claire@culturewise.co.nz
for more information or to arrange a free consultation.
Alternatively, enter your details below and we will be in touch.